Results-Driven Turnkey Solutions

We connect with consumers the “healthcare” way, leveraging our Leap platform and extensive expertise, to move your patients or members to action that is good for them—and your business.
Results-Driven Turnkey Solutions

Leap Platform

Powerful Technology

Translate data into health action with powerful segment building analytics and omnichannel campaign management that deliver results at scale—moving from basic outreach to targeted, personalized consumer journeys that optimize your brand and consumer lifetime value.

Patient and Provider 360

Patient-Provider matching

Advanced consumer analytics

Omnichannel marketing automation

CRM and digital front door integration

Powerful Technology

Performance Impact

Healthcare Expertise

Gain speed to value with our advanced multi-disciplinary expertise in healthcare marketing and engagement. We know healthcare, insurance, data, technology, and marketing—driving results in competitive marketplaces.

ROI-based marketing program development

Powerful segmentation and personalization

Orchestrated omnichannel journey mapping

Creative services with multicultural expertise

Healthcare Expertise

Measurable Results

Proven Campaign Catalog

Accelerate your results with our proven and compliant campaign catalog. Developed by experts, our catalog includes targeting, communication journeys, and messages designed to drive speed to market. Through collaboration, we deliver measurable results across high-value use cases in English and Spanish.

Consumer acquisition and retention

Patient experience feedback

Member navigation to strategic providers

Annual visits, care gap closure and cost management

Proven Campaign Catalog

Integration & Efficiency

Operational Connectivity

Optimize growth, operations, and consumer experience through process integration and coordinated team efforts. Our approach ensures operational sensitivity and efficiency, supporting your business without adding complexity.

CRM, call center and sales channel integration

EMR integration to manage outreach based on schedules

Clinical and administrative resources optimization

Digital front door enablement

Operational Connectivity

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