Data Governance & Operations

Your Data, Our Expertise

Leverage your data with our services or transitional help to move straight to actionable insights without delays. Our HITRUST-certified health platform and experienced team can provide data operations, analytic services, and extensive training for your teams.
Your Data, Our Expertise

Data Governance & Operations

Data Governance and Strategy

In today's data-driven healthcare landscape, the demand for information and analytics often surpasses available resources and well-defined datasets. The Leap platform, along with Lucerna experts, addresses this gap by offering robust data governance solutions with an approach that ensures a strong foundation for self-service analytics.

Establish self-service analytics with defined data governance

Ensure performance with SLA's and transparent metrics

Simplify operations through technology and service consolidation

Data Governance and Strategy

Data Governance & Operations

Data Integration and Transformation

Streamline your healthcare operations with Leap. Our powerful platform will unify your disparate data sources and help you consolidate your data and analytics vendors; in turn, simplifying your data management while enhancing efficiency and transforming your data into actionable insights. Our enterprise approach facilitates knowledge sharing to reduce duplication of efforts and drive the reuse of data solutions.

Unify disparate data sources for actionable insights

Simplify management through scalable partnerships

Facilitate knowledge sharing and reduce duplication of efforts

Data Integration and Transformation

Data Governance & Operations

Data Science and BI Support

Transform your healthcare organization with Lucerna's comprehensive analytics support service. We offer robust analytics services from data modeling and BI to advanced analytics and ad-hoc analytics, all tailored to your needs and at the scale your enterprise needs to be successful.

Comprehensive analytics support tailored to your needs

Elevate data literacy and internal capabilities through hands-on training

Deploy mature, repeatable processes for sustainable success

Data Science and BI Support

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