Consumer & Provider 360

A unified view of the healthcare consumer across all dimensions from payer and EMR sources. Single source of truth for provider, care team and facility to support panel management, patient-provider matching, outreach and analytics.
Consumer & Provider 360

Consumer & Provider 360

Provider Directory

Single source of truth for provider, care team, health plan and facility information to enable digital channels for patient outreach and provider analytics.

Manage provider database through simple user interface

Create and manage provider panel capacity

Benchmark provider performance

Provider Directory

Consumer & Provider 360

Consumer Profile

Unified view of the individual from their demographics, contact information, healthcare claims, pharmacy, medication, clinical details from the EMR system and care team information.

View patient profile and clinical history

Update data and manage golden record

Powerful search across full population

Consumer Profile

Consumer & Provider 360

Consumer MDM

Validated and complete picture of the individual record based on advanced person level entity resolution, powered by graphDB and ML models.

Hierarchical matching engine to select best data

Unification of records into a single record with audit history

EMPI engine with configurable matching rules and ML automerging

Consumer MDM

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